Friday, May 8, 2009

Fwd: CSE Undergraduate Research Scholarship Fall 2009 - deadline today!

Let me know if any of you UG students are interested in being nominated.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Amy Sever <>
Date: Fri, May 8, 2009 at 7:55 AM
Subject: CSE Undergraduate Research Scholarship Fall 2009 - deadline today!

CSE Faculty,


I'm writing to remind you that today is the deadline to nominate a student or students for the CSE Undergraduate Research Scholarship for Fall 2009.  See details and get the application form at:


Please consider supporting one of our top students!





Amy Sever

Assistant Director, Academic Services

School of Computing and Informatics







From: Amy Sever
Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2009 1:51 PM
To: ''
Cc: Sandra Hoeffer
Subject: CSE Undergraduate Research Scholarship - nominate a student for Fall 2009!


CSE Faculty,

It is time to nominate exceptional students for the CSE Undergraduate Research Scholarship! This program supports strong academic performance among our undergraduate students and to encourage interest in graduate studies. Please review the following guidelines.

  1. Faculty must initiate all applications and turn them into department. These applications will not be accepted from students. However, if students find any potential opportunities on this site or elsewhere, they can come to you to initiate the application.
  2. Faculty overseeing research must commit $1,000 to student support.
  3. Students can work a maximum of ten hours per week in lab.
  4. The department will award an additional $1,000 to the student based on a competitive process.
  5. Monies will be awarded on a semester basis.
  6. All applications must be received by May 8th for the Fall 2009 term.
  7. All students must meet the qualifications listed below.

Student Qualifications:

  • Grade Point Average of 3.25 or above
  • Must be registered for at least 12 credit hours in the Fall 2009 term
  • Junior/Senior level in program
  • Every student receiving this award is expected to produce a poster at the end of the semester in which they received financial support through the FURI Symposium. Instructions for completing these posters will be provided.

The application can be downloaded at:  Please share as much information as possible about the student you are nominating, as there are a limited number of awards and the selection process is competitive!

Please turn in the application for the Fall 2009 semester to me in the SCI Advising Center, BYENG 208, by May 8th. I've attached a query of students who are juniors and seniors with a 3.25 GPA or higher. Perhaps one of the names is of a promising student from one of your classes!  Please contact me if you know of a student that is not on this list that you believe is a junior or senior in the program.

Here are other ways students can engage in research:

1)      Mentor a student in Fulton Undergraduate Research Initiative (FURI).  Application deadline for Fall 2009 is May 15th.   This is a student-initiated process. See for more information.

2)      Supervise a student in CSE 499 Independent Study: For CS and CSE seniors with a 3.0 GPA or higher in their major area. Form is at

3)      Supervise an honors student in CSE 492 Research and CSE 493 Thesis.  Form is at

4)      Post any available research positions for undergraduates (and graduate students) at:

Thanks for your help in supporting our students to engage in undergraduate research.



Amy Sever

Assistant Director, Academic Services





Amy Sever

Assistant Director, Academic Services

School of Computing and Informatics





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